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ministry evaluations


anything worth doing is worth evaluating

Sometimes when we are so close to something, we can’t truly see things. That’s why it’s helpful to invite another person in to get their perspective.

The purpose of an environment evaluation or secret shopper is to get a fresh set of eyes to experience your environment(s). This could be a particular ministry environment, such as children’s ministry, or it could be a higher-level, church-wide evaluation. We have consultants, typically with over a decade or more of experience, visit your church to observe your ministry. Broadly, they are looking for what people see, hear, and experience.

In our experience, we have seen churches benefit from ministry evaluations in the following ways:

Ministry Alignment: Your staff and volunteers all understand your goals for their specific ministry.

Identified Strength and Growth Areas: Allow everyone to celebrate what’s going well and provides clear steps for ways to improve.

More Inviting Environments: Attendees are confident that your church is a place anyone can belong before they believe.

Enhanced Guest Experience: Guests and newer attendees feel confident you were expecting them to be there.

Removed Obstacles for Connecting People to Jesus: Ensures people understand that their relationship with Jesus is always most important.

Expanded Community Outreach: The community sees your church as integral to their success even when they don’t share your beliefs.


how it works



With years of hands-on experience, our consultants understand your challenges because they've been there.

Proven systems and strategies

We provide you with tailored solutions that work specifically for your context, so you're never shooting in the dark.



Designed to bring clarity and direction to your ministry



At the conclusion of the evaluation, our consultants will provide your ministry team with documented examples of what was observed. Our consultants will also give feedback on strengths of your ministry and specific suggestions for things to consider changing to better serve the needs of your attendees.

In addition, we’ll talk through this feedback with you and your team in person to ensure the context of both the evaluation and the associated feedback are understood and can be implemented by your team. We can also schedule subsequent virtual discussions to talk about ongoing progress.


Our consultants will provide feedback as they experience your church’s environments through the lens of creating a church that unchurched people love.

They will consider what guests (and regular attendees) see, hear, and experience when they visit your church. For example, do they know where to go? Do they feel welcomed as a new guest? Does the message make sense even if they have never opened a Bible? Are the bathrooms clean? Does the Children’s Ministry feel safe? Does it seem like the church was expecting a guest?

The church team will be provided with encouragement, specific examples, and opportunities for growth throughout the evaluation process.



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Next Steps for Ministry Evaluation



Explore our array of solutions tailored for ministries like yours.


Reach out and let our team help you find the perfect fit for your unique challenges.


Together, we'll plan an off-site for your team where our consultant will provide actionable insights and strategies.