Organizational Health
maximize Your team’s performance
…while helping everyone enjoy their work.
You have all the right people in place and a great strategic plan, but your ministry still isn’t seeing the fruit you’re expecting. Does that sound familiar?
A great strategy and skilled individuals only get you so far. To unlock the maximum potential of your ministry, team health is essential.
Since its inception in 1997, The Table Group has produced leadership models with the goal of improving the organizational health of places in which we work. Through our partnership with the Table Group and over a decade of experience in implementing these models in a ministry context, our consultants have seen the dramatic benefits of helping teams become the healthiest they can be.
What does a hopeful future look like?
Minimal Politics
Minimal Confusion
High Morale
High Productivity
Low Turnover
Who wouldn’t want to work in an environment that was characterized by these traits?
With years of hands-on experience, our consultants understand your challenges because they've been there.
Proven systems and strategies
We provide you with tailored solutions that work specifically for your context, so you're never shooting in the dark.
Healthy teams outperform skilled individuals every time
Beginning with a two-day workshop, we will discuss many of the models contained in resources from Patrick Lencioni, NPM and other ICN churches.
Most engagement workshops begin with a Team Assessment review (based on content from The Five Dysfunctions of a Team) and then, based on the needs of the team, our facilitators follow the energy into the other models.
While the workshop serves as a kickoff, sustainable change is achieved by continued focus on these concepts. With that in mind, this Engagement also includes virtual follow-up sessions where progress can be reviewed, additional material may be covered, and next steps may be reshaped to fit the needs of the church.
Team Assessment Review and/or Working Genius Team map with analysis
Presentation material from sessions for review
Suggested next steps and actions with assignments within the team—dependent on scope of the engagement (see options below)
Virtual follow-up sessions to assess progress and reshape efforts
Improving organizational health as a leadership team isn’t easy, but it’s certainly worth it. This is not just a brainstorming session but a team health check. Once you identify next steps to becoming a healthier team, you’ll need to keep these ideas in front of each other and stay accountable for the long haul. This also provides a model to guide discussions and a way for our consultants to interact with your team in order to help you see your best way forward toward creating the healthiest culture possible.
Engagement Options
Our team can create a customized plan for your church to improve organizational health. Here are three of the most common ways we’ve worked with teams.
Holistic Organizational Health
Grounded in the Four Disciplines of Organizational Health, this comprehensive engagement will help your team perform to its maximum potential AND help everyone enjoy their work and team more than they ever thought possible.
Creating Organizational Clarity
You can’t train on everything, but knowing the answers to these six crucial questions will help your staff and volunteers navigate the toughest ministry situations in ways that are consistent with your mission and vision.
Six Types of Working Genius
Experience the immediate benefits that come from a Working Genius workshop. Based on your needs, a workshop can be developed for a number of different audiences. In each case, consultants certified in the Working Genius by The Table Group will perform and facilitate the work.
Go further, faster
Explore our approach for beginning an organization health program at your church. For the best possible results, we commonly begin with church leadership teams.
Reach out and let our team help you find the perfect fit for your unique challenges.
Together, we'll plan an off-site for your team where our consultant will help you discover how a healthy team culture can maximize your ministry.